
Welcome to FEDAFPA

The official home of the Fezile Dabi Fire Protection Association in the Free State.

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About Us

Wildfires, locally referred to as veldfires often become emergencies that threaten life and assets of the community at large when they spread, or threaten to spread, beyond the boundaries of any one property. It requires collective co-operation to prevent and control wildfires under the various conditions that they occur in and to use controlled burning for environmental and other purposes. Effective management of wildfires requires organisational structure, strategy, plans, information, networks, skills, and equipment that cannot adequately be provided by any one category of landowner alone.


Your application contains information that you want to keep confidential - We agree. Your private information is kept just that - private: we store your applications in our online database.


There's no place more accessible than the internet, so now, on our website you can submit your membership application, apply for a burn permit, and even book a Working on Fire (WoF) team, all from the comfort of your own home.

Cloud Based

Membership applications used to be filled out by hand. It was messy, difficult, and required you to be in a certain place at a certain time. That's why we moved our system to the cloud. No more paperwork.

Member Portal

Moved? Sold / bought property? Changed your email? That used to mean you had more documents to fill out, but not anymore, just login to your account and change your details yourself! Now you can get back to doing what you do best, and leave the paperwork to us.